Category: Mechanical Dept.

Webinar on “Applications of MS-Excel in Research”

On 10th October, 2020, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oriental University, Indore (M.P.) is going to organize a webinar on “Applications of MS-Excel in Research” for the research scholars, faculty members, and students of different streams of higher education. Following is the link for registration of the event: [tx_button style=”default” text=”Registration” url=”″ color=”#1e73be” textcolor=”#ffffff” target=”self”]

Guidance for Preparing GATE-2021 Webinar Organized

On 25th September, 2020, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oriental University, Indore (M.P.) in association with Gateway Institute, Pune (MH), organized a webinar on “Guidance for Preparing GATE-2021” for the students of different streams of Engineering. Please find the glimpses of the event: *Click on image to enlarge

Guidance for Preparing GATE-2021

Dear All, On 25th September, 2020, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oriental University, Indore (M.P.) in association with Gateway Institute, Pune (MH), is going to organize a webinar on “Guidance for Preparing GATE-2021” for the students of different streams of Engineering. Following is the link for registration of the event: