HR Department Success Story

A lot of our employees commute using 2 wheelers, which puts them at a higher risk of being in a road accident. In order to facilitate the safety of Oriental University employees, in March 2020 we introduced a “Group Personal Accidental Policy”. This policy ensures that employees are reimbursed for their medical expenses in the event of an accident thereby providing some compensation for temporary/ permanent disablement.

Few days back, 2 employees met with a severe road accident and got deep injuries. With the help of the insurance provider we initiated a reimbursement process for their medical expenses. And finally our employees have got the reimbursement of their medical expenses.

This is a small step towards the welfare of the employees but it is only the beginning. We will be introducing more such measures to motivate and protect our employees. This also shows the commitment of our HR department.

Meenakshi Raj Mishra

Deputy Manager – HR

Oriental University, Indore

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